Remove Overrides doesn't remove page layout overrides
(too old to reply)
2009-03-20 17:30:57 UTC
I do View>Master Pages. Then View>Body Pages. Frame displays a Page Layout Warning dialog box that asks if I want to remove or keep overrides. I respond Remove Overrides. The next time I go into Master Pages and then back to Body Pages, it again asks if I want to remove overrides. For one thing, this is annoying. For another, how can I be sure if the page is correctly using the standard format?

How can I permanently remove the overrides?

Using FrameMaker 8, unstructured.
2009-03-20 17:57:19 UTC
What FM is telling you is that something has been done to Body page matching one of the Master pages that makes it different, like extending the text frame a touch to make a line fit or having a disconnected page with no auto-connect on the text frame.

If you read the message box carefully, the last lines tell you how many pages and which page has the override, e.g. "First One: " . Check it out and fix it.
2009-03-20 19:08:12 UTC
I saw the part about the page numbers. My pages are complex, with text boxes, graphics, and tables. I've tried to isolate the problem, but I'm not having any luck and it's taking a lot of time.

Why is there a dialog box with prompts when it doesn't seem to matter if you choose Keep or Override? I could be inadvertently creating a manual that does not meet our standards for layout.

What I want is a way to REALLY remove the overrides. If that is not possible, then can FM be more specific about which element is wrong?
2009-03-20 19:53:10 UTC
Cher, the override(s) would be anything on the body page(s) that isn't the same as what is on the corresponding master page. So for example if you had changed the size of the text frame on the body page (e.g. by inadvertently resizing it or dragging it out of location on the page), or adding graphic items such as callout arrows that aren't inside another graphic frame.

I do understand wanting to know what the override is, rather than just blowing it away, so that it won't be inadvertently repeated.

Do the next step only after having a backup of the file safely tucked away....

One more thing that I've seen happen, btw, is that somebody has inadvertently created empty text frames on the body page -- one particularly memorable file had literally dozens of them sprinkled around the page. To see if there are any of those, click on the margin of the page, outside the body text frame, so that nothing is selected. Then do Ctl+A to Select All. Carefully note how many objects are visibly selected -- on straightforward text content pages it would likely be just your regular body text flow.

But if you see more selected, then carefully click on the "good" objects to deselect them one by one. You might have to use the Graphics > Bring forward command to bring the object in front if it's hiding behind something else.

Another possibility is that object(s) have been inadvertently dragged off the page, so that even though you can grab them by doing Select All, you don't see it visible. There are a couple of ways to get it back on the page, but I'll leave that for another posting.
2009-03-20 20:21:53 UTC
Not to beat a possibly dead horse, but I believe Cher's point is if she elects to remove the overrides, shouldn't Frame just remove them without the user having to figure out where they are and correcting them? If it cannot remove or fix the overrides, then the remove/keep options seem to convey the wrong message.

Of course, maybe there are overrides and then there are overrides: ones that Frame can fix and others that it cannot.
2009-03-20 21:50:55 UTC
Sheila's post gave me an idea and I have fixed my doc. The problem was on my master page, not in the body. To fix it, I went to the master page, and deleted everything: text boxes, anchored frames, graphics, etc. Then I re-added each element with a cut-and-paste from a backup file. Now when I go from viewing master pages to viewing body pages, there is no override warning. There must have been something I couldn't see on the master page.

Van--you hit the nail on the head. If Frame can't remove the overrides, it should just say so.

Thanks, everyone, for your help.
2009-03-27 20:04:05 UTC
Thanks guys. Very useful thread!
2009-04-02 14:59:53 UTC
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