It keeps on adding a text flow A, where I don't want one.
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Sue Kinzelman
2016-02-01 16:49:03 UTC
Anyone here using (old) FrameMaker?

I had Frame 10 last year but lost it. (Long story)
So I'm back using version 6 & 7

FrameMaker 6 and 7. When I create a new master page with just background text box (No Flow A), the master page looks fine. But when I use it in the body of the document, it puts a text box (flow A) in anyway.

Then when I switch back and forth between viewing the master page / body pages, it keeps telling me of overrides. I don't want a text flow A box on my new page.
This must be a bug. Anyone know how to work around it?
2016-02-02 06:40:26 UTC
Using FM 7.2 on XP. Open new document "portrait". Deleting text box on Body Page. Changing view to Master Page. Delete text box again. From then on, there is no override message, it works just fine.

I'm not sure, when you're using filled documents and want to change them. Maybe you also have to clean the text boxes in the MIF-document.
2016-02-03 05:53:11 UTC
Delete the new textbox on the body page again. It won't appear after the second delete.
If this won't help, please describe exactly what's your doing. I mean, without any text box on the body page, it is only an empty page. So you can start from scratch and do it, as I did and then copy the master page from your old document into the new one.